Best Burger


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Every clay sculpture is lovingly crafted from behind scratch.  I start by making a batch of clay from dirt which is usually a 24 hour process, then begin sculpting.

My sculptures have minds of their own and usually protest at the next step which is putting them into a fireplace with glowing hot coals to bake them, however they’re always happy again once they come out because that’s when I put life into them with my acrylic paints and finish off with a glossy varnish.

Complaints never last long on their lips and they’re always full of gratitude and thanksgiving when the process is finished.

SIZE: Best Burger stands just over 1″ (2.5 cm) tall.


A burger sat with a cheesy grin,
Dreaming of pickles to dive right in.
Crunchy and tangy, the perfect bite,
Pickles are this burger’s delight!
